Side bar: The plane was taken out of service purportedly because a frequency on their radio wasn’t working. Interestingly, just as they announced that an attempt would be made to fix it a worker walked onto the plane with a container of the blue chemical flush. Most of the passengers around me, including me, were wondering aloud whether the radio “problem” was a euphemism for a bathroom issue. Unfortunately, this proved not to be the case and we were redirected to another gate and plane, which departed an hour and a half later than we were originally scheduled.
The interview went fine in so far as I answered their questions, they answered mine, and all of the conversations seemed convivial. Whether they realize it or not, they and their computer science students could use my broad experience to enrich their program beyond just programming without necessarily even changing the curriculum. I see several ways to introduce the students to the large number of disciplines in Information Technology while teaching the curriculum. One change I did propose during the interview is that they include Java as a programming language course. Dr. Sherry Jones told me that she talked with every single one of my references. Thank you all for your positive comments.
Then, at the suggestion of Dr. Gary Arbogast, the search committee chair, I spent Thursday evening and all of Friday and Saturday visiting with my family. I did and it was truly a great time, including two meals which included morels and all the meals which included my mother’s baking: sourdough whole wheat bread, biscuits, muffins, …
Four other members of my extended family, from my father’s side, came in for a visit on Friday. This made seven of us but as one or another seemed to have something else to do, six were available to play card games, the perfect number for Queens using three decks. There was also an even number of men to go shoot partner pool for most of Saturday afternoon.
Before they arrived on Friday, my father suggested that I ride his ATV up to visit the home place and see the work they are doing on it. He also suggested that I ride on the hill on beyond the place, which leads to the title of this blog entry.
After seeing the home place, I did ride literally over the hill beyond and behind. Then in a fit of nostalgia, I decided to ride up to see the old hay meadow in which I worked as a young teenager for three summers in a row helping my granddad “put up” hay. While I’m sure I was of some help in the last couple of years, my early help consisted of mostly riding the horse that was pulling the shocks to the haystack.
The ATV started right up and I drove it down the hill. At the bottom I followed him as he drove the tractor back to it’s shed and gave him a ride to the bottom of the hill so he could get the truck. While he was definitely nice about my wrecking his ATV, I don’t think he trusted me to retrieve his truck. (If I ever follow a tractor on a muddy road again, it will be from really far back.)
There is more. My next blog entry will tell about my trip home. Let me just say that the number five figures prominently.