Thursday, August 27, 2009

Living it vs. Writing it

A lot has been happening this summer, much of it without regular Internet access. I'm referring to my road trip to Alaska, some 16,000 miles in all. When I did have Internet access, it was generally for a short time at a relatively low bandwidth and when I needed to sleep. As a result I just made notes in my Day Timer journal. (Eventually I will get back to those notes and generate at least a few blogs about the trip.)

While this entry is primarily just to get me writing a blog again as I have been home from the trip now for three weeks, I will try to start updating with some current news.

Last week I was at a house in Bodega Bay with my daughter-in-law's family. I came home early to job hunt. Yes, I am looking for a job. It doesn't seem like a good idea to have a household of three people with nary a job among us. So far there has been no nibbles so...

I am participating in an Internet business startup. This may not be a money maker for some time but it has good prospects. In some aspects, it is close to my original idea but as a partnership, it will make more progress. I'm motivated.

My daughters are up in the Portland area with, I'm sure, at least one stop at the Powell St. Book Store. That store alone could motivate me to ride up there. I am wanting to take at least one more longish ride this year, just not 2,500 miles long.

I'm also trying to drum up family attendees to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass free concert in the Golden Gate Park on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. It makes a good reason to lure visitors.

With my daughter-in-law in school and needing an easy to drive vehicle to get there, the Prius, I'm using my motorcycle more. Today I put just over 40 miles on it riding into and back home from the Financial District in San Francisco. It was a nice and easy ride compared to the limited times I commuted into San Francisco from Fremont. Of course this ride wasn't anything like riding during rush hour but it is nice to have the option and is a lot cheaper and much less time consuming than BART. Parking is only $0.25/hour. It would have been nice to get rid of the Ford Ranger XLT in the Cash for Clunkers program. While my son and daughter-in-law will need a high mileage vehicle, their current state of employment was just the wrong timing. Oh well, when I can get rid of it, Craig's List will have to do. Surely someone will want the top rated truck in its class for it's model year.

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