Monday, November 23, 2009

Wanting to write something

What to do when my wanting to write something conflicts with my desire only to write more significant things in this blog? It's not that I don't have significant things to write about, it's just that most of them aren't ready to write about.

For example: I am very much interested in changing careers to be a teacher, a math teacher, and have applied to EnCorps for their assistance in becoming one. (This is in spite of California's financial problems and the numerous pink slips already given to many teachers.) They have accepted my application and I have a scheduled five-minute "teach off," my term, and interview on December 11th. There will be other applicants and we are to be the "students" for each others "teach off." I don't know how many positions they have or how many applicants there are. If I make it through the next round, I will then better know what kind of schedule I will have for the rest of the year and next. If I don't, I will have to go to Plan B, not that I know what Plan B is.

Unplanned B: Since construction is frequently the last to recover after an economic downturn, my son has very limited prospects for finding a job in his field in the near term. As a result, I am trying to talk him into being a handyman. He has the ability. You should see the nursery he painted and put crown molding in. (You would if I could find my camera's USB cable.) He even textured one wall. There are a few other "handyman" type projects around the house. I could be his helper.

Unplanned B2: Contracting. I hadn't looked into this earlier in my unemployed status for a number of reasons, most of which were personal commitments. Then I realized that I don't have medical insurance concerns, except for the expense, $8,000 next year, and should check into this "opportunity."

Unplanned B too: At this level of "unplanning," the options are endless. Unfortunately, there are a lot of "ifs" that have to come together just right to allow them. If the group I'm in wins the lottery, then early retirement and travel becomes viable, including riding my motorcycle around the U.S. and Canada. If the economy recovers or my mortgage is taken care of some other way, then the Peace Corp is viable. If the worst happens, I may be moving back in with my parents.

I know this wasn't something much but whether or not it is worth reading, it was worth writing. My plans may not be any better formed but writing this may allow me to write more and better in other venues, including getting back to my Memories of Marilyn, which I write in an MS Word document before I post in the blog of the same name. I also have several other things to write, one of which is a more serious entry into this blog on my thoughts on sustainable economics.

Until next time, whenever that may be, I promise better reading...

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