Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Farm Sitting Day Four

DOMESTIC DAY! At least the morning was. I had to bake the bread of the dough I mixed up last night and do the dishes I had dirtied in its mixing, as well as dirtied in two spaghetti meals. So much for dieting.

Since I couldn't get out and do the dirty work because of the bread (ha ha), I went in to town to mail the WEDDING INVITATIONS I had addressed. (This also was supposed to allow me to call Lori on her lunch break.) On the way out of the hollow, I got behind a very careful driver who was bound and determined that the only ticket they he would ever receive would be for obstructing traffic, never speeding. Since he had a West Virginia plate and I had an Ohio one, I knew that my only hope was that he didn't go my direction. He did. Fortunately, I was able to pass him about half way there after already having spent all the time I thought it was going to take me to get into cell signal range. I did make it in time to make my call.

Next, was lunch--Fish Fillet at McDonalds. At least I didn't prepare it. And then to the Post Office. I gave the clerk one of the invitations, she weighed it and I bought twenty of the appropriate denomination wedding stamps to send them. That's when she asked if I minded stepping out in the public area to put my stamps on because the office WAS CLOSING! I made it by just five minutes.

To top it off, I still had 40 minutes on the parking meter. Unfortunately, there is very little to do in downtown Glenville let alone something I wanted to walk to. Anyway, I was only out a nickel.

Instead, I drove to the grocery store to get some more spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, bananas, and miscellaneous other food items. Best of all, I got some cleaning aids that will help me do the few dirty dishes I create after each meal rather than letting them stack up requiring yet another DOMESTIC DAY.

Finally I put on the work clothes I had washed the night before. Aside from the stink from sweating in them, I washed them because of the amount of poison ivy I walked through and chopped up with the weed eater. I don't know whether my itching is psychosomatic or I have a case of poison ivy. I'm hoping for psychosomatic as I didn't get any Caladryl or Calamine Lotion.

I kept hoping for it to cool off but finally I gave up and went out to do more weed eating. In two hours I didn't even finish one whole section. Not only was the grass thick and the whacking slow, but one of the strands was broken. This meant going back to the stretcher on that strand twice to release wire so I could tie the broken ends together with what my Dad calls the butterfly knot. The second time I took off the whole stretcher and put it back on near the repaired break. Here is an attempt to take a picture of what the results of the weed eating looks like. I held the camera level and yes, it's a lot steeper than it looks and I walked down it.

Tomorrow I'm mowing the yard, weed eating around the yard fence, watering plants, and hopefully finishing the pasture fence weed eating.

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