Sunday, May 3, 2009

Another Wet and Windy Day

The rain over the last three days are somewhat significant as they are outside the normal rainy season. Unfortunately the amount hasn't been significant. I have used it as a good excuse for not doing any yard work as well as a less good excuse for not doing much else. In fact, yesterday after opening the cat door, which because of the weather they refused to use, I went back to bed and slept until noon.

There were other reasons than the rain for doing so. Primary among these were that it was the second day of me being off of caffeine and my body had adjusted to the stimulant again. Two days before I had gotten up by alarm clock and driven my youngest daughter and her husband to the Mexican Border Trailhead of the PCT. After seeing them start their 2,650-mile hike before 8:00 AM, I proceeded to drive all the way back to Pacifica. It took around ten hours including the couple of stops for food and espresso, which was also a good secondary reason.

I'm planning on personally delivering one of their resupply boxes. If I don't and they can't get a ride by hitchhiking, it will add 11 miles to their 2,650 trail miles. Yes, off trail hikes to resupply towns aren't counted. Two weeks earlier they will be met by my oldest daughter and her husband. They plan a zero-day of rest and eating. In fact, I believe I heard them say that they hope she knows of an all you can eat Sushi bar.

The trail is demanding and challenging in several ways, but the most significant way is food. They can't carry enough of it. In point of fact, on the days they are walking they anticipate being short by at least 2,000 calories a day.

They are carrying The Spot, a device that among other functions, sends a url of their position to a limited number of recipients. They've arranged for my son-in-law's parents to forward it on to the larger number of people who desired notification. Since I am lucky enough to be on The Spot's limited list, I'm including the positions I've received so far below:

The start:,-116.4669&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

First camp:,-116.5172&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Second camp:,-116.421&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

Third camp:,-116.5236&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

My son-in-law's parents are also going to maintain their trail journal in between their limited opportunities to do so. It can be referenced at:

I'm looking forward to tracking them up the PCT. While I don't see this adventure in my future, it is inspiring me to have one of my own. I like the thought of riding on mine.

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