Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Cat Tales

I am inspired to write this entry because of Humphrey, one of two of my daughter's cat that I am sitting while she is through hiking the PCT with her husband. (See her hiking in the wind on the PCT somewhere in Southern California at: The most recent "cat tale" has to do with actions that are taking place as I write.

I am Toastmaster in tomorrow night's meeting. As a result, I needed to print out the program. Humphrey is really intrigued by the printer that automatically prints out toys, anything that moves on its own. I can now truly understand the excuse that the pet destroyed homework. I have kept Humphrey from destroying my double-sided program. However, on his way to the side of the desk to view the printer, he walked over my keyboard and pressed the "play" function key. I didn't even know it existed. Anyway, I am now listening to music.

The other day Napoleon, the other of the two cats, brought in a snake. His mewing was close to crowing. This time I didn't delay but grabbed it right up and tossed it over the fence into the neighbors yard. I guess I didn't make enough of a big deal about his hunting prowess because he went right back out and caught another one. At least this time I knew what all the caterwauling was about. (I know it wasn't really caterwauling because both of them have been "fixed.") However, this time I spent a little time praising him before I threw this snake across the fence. Either he ran out of snakes or the praise was enough to stop his hunting show.

Neither cat has caught a bird that I know of. I think the snakes just move slower in Pacifica's temperature. I did see Humphrey up on the birdbath with no bird around. I do see some birds using it but not nearly the numbers I saw before the resident cats.

Both of them kind of sneak out as they act like they are creeping up on some prey. Every once in a while, one or both will literally sprint to the cat door. I've never seen the cause. While I was buzzed by some bird at the local mall parking lot, I've never been buzzed at my house. I have seen some neighbor cat in the yard sporadically. Maybe that is the scoot for the door trigger.

Last night Napoleon was a little slow coming in for his wet food treat. He finally responded to the bicycle bell. When I first saw him he was up on top of the gate that I cut a cat hole in. I don't think I've ever seen them use it. This time Napoleon definitely wasn't using it.

Both of them do like to go in, and out, any door that I open. They have it timed perfectly, taking the maximum amount of time that I will wait for them to actually go through the open door and it varies. If there is a substantial temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, the time is shorter but they still manage to use the maximum. It's a control thing.

My printing is done. I still have my Toastmaster remarks to prepare before I call it a night. My theme is "And I Quote." I've selected a few quotes to make my point from and have put a couple that seemed to have something to say on speaking, such as: "Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret." - Ambrose Bierce; and "The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause." - Mark Twain.

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