Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Official Census Document--NOT!


It was a Republican fundraiser. I'm thinking of responding to their "census," without money. After all, what is an unemployed person supposed to do.

Their questions:

Political Profile

1. Do you generally identify yourself as a: Conservative Republican; Moderate Republican; Liberal Republican; Independent Vote who leans Republican; Other ________________
2. Do you traditionally vote in all elections? Yes or No.
3. Did you cast a vote in the following elections? 2008 Presidential Contest: Yes, No, Unsure. 2006 Mid-Term Elections: Yes, No, Unsure.
4. What age category below applies to you? 18-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60+
5. How close do you think your views are to other voters in your community? Very Close, Somewhat Close, Not Very Close, No Opinion.
6. From what media source do you regularly receive your political news? (You can check more than one) NBC/CBS/ABC, CNN/MSNBC, News Websites, Local Newspaper, Friends, Fox News, Facebook/MySpace, Internet Blogs, Radio, Twitter, Candidate Websites, National Magazines, Other ______________
7. How much does it concern you that the Democrats have total control of the federal government? Very Much; Not Too Much; Not A Concern; No Opinion

But I do have an opinion: The Democrats may have a majority but control?

General Issues

1. Do you think things in this country are generally going in the wrong direction, or do you feel things are starting to improve? Wrong Direction; Starting To Improve; Unsure

I haven't seen a direction yet, mostly because of Republican obstructionism but some from Democratic Party chaos.

2. Please indicate the top three issues that you believe are most important to people in your area: Economy; Environment; Immigration; Government Expansion; Federal Spending; Energy; National Security; Protecting Traditional Values; Taxes; Health Care; Foreign Policy; Education; Social Security; State Spending; Other ___________

For this question to be of any value I would think that my "views" must be "very close" to "the voters in my community."

3. Which political party do you feel is best able to handle each of the following issues? [Choices for each are:] Republican, Democratic, No Opinion. War in Irag/Afghanistan; War on Terror; Economy; Taxes; Health Care; Federal Spending; Social Security; Strong Military; Foreign Policy; Environment; Immigration; Energy; Education; Protecting Traditional Values

The last, "Protecting Traditional Values," I'm sure they don't define quite the same as I do. I'd like to think that the USA I am a citizen of will continue to protect the traditions of individual liberty as opposed to imposing sanctimonious morals on others.

4. How do you rate the Obama Administration thus far when it comes to dealing with America's major problems? Approve, Disapprove, No Opinion
5. How do you rate the Democrat controlled Congress? Approve, Disapprove, No Opinion

Domestic Issues

1. How confident are you that America's economy will improve in the next six month? Strongly Confident; Not To Confident; Somewhat Confident; Not Confident At All; No Opinion
2. Which Party do you think has the solutions to solve our current economic crisis? Republican; Democratic; Combination of Both; No Opinion
3. Which of the following factors do you feel is most adversely affecting the economy in your area? Burdensome Taxes; Severe Government Regulations; Unstable Real Estate Market; Growth of Government Spending; Threat of Terrorism; Loss of Jobs; Loss of Retirement Value; Other___________
4. Which of the following is the single most important economic issue facing you and your family? Health Care Costs; High Taxes; Loss of Retirement/Investment Values; Unemployment; Inflation/Rising Prices Overall; Other______________
5. Do you feel that the huge trillion-dollar solutions the Democrats have advanced to boost our economy will help or hurt our nation in the long run? Help; Hurt; No Opinion

At least it is less than the multi-trillion dollars that Bush and company spent for nothing. They might as well just have blown the money up. (Oh, they did.)

6. Would you like Congress to pass additional tax cuts to further stimulate our nation's economy? Yes; No; Undecided
7. Should Republican candidates in 2010 push for a total reform of our nation's tax laws that would make them more fair and simple? Yes; No; No Opinion
8. Do you worry that the Obama Administration is committed to greatly expanding the government's role in your life? Yes; No; No Opinion
9. Are you comfortable with our current levels of government spending? Current spending levels are okay; Spending should be decreased; Undecided

Spending should be increased for some things, reduced for some things, and taxes raised to cover the funding--from those who actually have the ability to pay. Corporate taxes should be on world-wide profits based on their percentage of revenue from the U.S.

10. Should Republicans do whatever is necessary to keep the Democrats in Congress from enacting government-run health care? Yes; No; No Opinion

All elected officials should become statesmen on this issue and get the best package for the citizens and residents of the U.S. There is no way that the best package includes the excessive profits of Health Insurance Companies based on ridiculously high expenses. Medicare for all!

11. Do you think that all Americans should be required to have some form of health insurance even if it requires the federal government to underwrite the costs? Yes; No; Undecided

There is no way that anyone should be required to contribute to the profits of Health Insurance companies.

12. Do you trust the Obama Administration to keep America's borders secure to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into our country? Yes; No; No Opinion

No Republican controlled government stopped the flow. In fact, their governing led to the arrest and conviction of two border guards who were doing their job to stop illegal aliens and drugs.

13. Do you believe that global warming is an issue that must be dealt with immediately? Yes; No; No Opinion
14. Using the numbers 1 through 5 (with 1 being the top priority) please indicate the policies you support most to address how the U.S. should meet future energy needs: Increase drilling in Alaska's ANWR; More funds for alternative fuels research; Build new oil refineries in the U.S.; Expand off-shore drilling; Greater investment in wind/solar power; Tap previously unrecoverable oil; Build new nuclear plants in the U.S.; Other___________
15. Do you believe that Congress must reform the current practice of earmarking or "pork barrel spending" that adds billions of dollars to appropriations bills? Yes; No; Undecided

How about the billions of dollars of fraud committed by government contractors?

16. Do you think the Democrat efforts to restore the "Fairness Doctrine" that will destroy conservative talk radio is a violation of free speech? Yes; No; No Opinion

Since the current laws do not give public personalities any recourse for the outright lies and what should be the illegal modification of video and other records, ... Do I believe that any "fairness doctrine" will correct these deficiencies?

17. Do you believe the Republican Party should continue to embrace social issues? Yes; No; Undecided If yes, please register your opinion on the following social issues: Key: 1=SUPPORT, 2=OPPOSE, 3=NO OPINION School prayer; Ban burning of the flag; Ban human cloning; Faith based initiatives; Ban all abortions; Prohibit homosexual marriage; Other______________

National Defense

1. Do you believe the Obama Administration is right in dramatically scaling back our nation's military? Yes; No; No Opinion
2. Do you favor or oppose increasing American troop presence in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of soldiers? Favor; Oppose; No Opinion
3. Do you trust the Democrats to take all steps necessary to keep our nation secure in this age where terrorists could strike our country at any moment? Yes; No; No Opinion
4. Are you concerned about the stability of other key countries in the Middle East--especially Pakistan--and their future as key American allies in the War on Terror? Yes; No; No Opinion

There they go again with the "War on Terror" phrase. I thought that officially we were no longer in a "war on terror."

5. Do you worry that Russia is moving away from its relationship with the U.S. and trying to re-establish itself as a military and economic superpower? Yes; No; No Opinion

If you've managed to read this far, please feel free to comment and let me know how you would like me to respond. If you want me to send money, you will have to supply it. I must warn you that my fundraising costs are excessive, like the Insurance Companies, which means that no money sent to me for this purpose will actually reach the Republican Party.

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