Saturday, February 6, 2010

Irritated, Frustrated, Liberated

After the third attempt to make some inane, but humorous at least to me, comment on a HuffingtonPost item I became frustrated enough to get up and go for a walk. My attempt was in response to another comment that was explaining capitalism to Democrats as a comment on Goldman Sachs AIG manipulation. I'll try and paraphrase it here. (It ended up that I couldn't but I'll explain why I wanted to later.)

"You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother in law at the bank, then execute a dept-equity swap with an associated general offer so you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. the milk rights are transferred through an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholders who sell the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more." - kimleehan

My attempted response was: "So that's where the expression, "Cash Cow," comes from. Thanks. They must all be Holsteins because they are just black and white (ink and paper)." For any non-farm readers, Holsteins are black and white. I looked it up on Wikipedia to be sure.

Well, probably because of the word "black" the comment became subject to moderation. After some considerable time without the post showing up, I tried again without the word "black." This time though I added that my previous attempt at a comment was blocked for some reason and this comment was also "moderated." HuffingtonPost must stop all references to HuffingtonPost until reviewed. After some considerable time, I gave up and went for my walk.

On my walk I realized two things: One was that I was spending way too much time on HuffingtonPost. And two, I was irritated by many of the comments. Many of the comments appeared to be made from a point of view that the commenter knew what he/she knew and no facts were going to change his/her mind. Some of those comments got quite belligerently personal as well. You could tell those from all the special characters used in words that would otherwise have gotten the comment blocked.

I did learn things from HuffingtonPost, but most of those things were frustrating as well. One such thing, that actually prompted me to send a message to Senator Harry Reid and the White House, was Senator Shelby's putting a blanket hold on 70 of President Obama's remaining unconfirmed nominations. Basically I said that if the Democrats don't force the Republicans to spend unending hours actually filibustering, they may just lose both houses of Congress this coming November. If they do force real filibustering, rather than backing down from just the threat, they will show the voting public just how ridiculous the current Senate minority is acting. As an added bonus, they surely will be able to break a few of them, if not most, and those wins will also get votes in November. If the Democrats continue to let the minority Republicans rule, the few remaining people who show up at the polls will say: "Why not vote them in? They are running the government anyway."

The Democrats, particularly in the Senate seem to be suffering from a disease and it's a "pansydemic." It makes me glad that I am "Decline to State."

Now for the "liberated" part of this entry. When I couldn't paraphrase well enough the comment that started this whole post, I did get on to HuffingtonPost and do a cut and paste of it. This means that my liberation was postponed until, well, now. The long and the short of it is I will not be going on to HuffingtonPost again. In fact, I'll be avoiding most sources of Internet news.

It's rarely good anyway and even when good can still be frustrating and irritating. Now, what am I going to do with all this time? Oh yes, find a job.

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