Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whizzing Through America: Living Memories Tour, Pacifica

I've already written about the ongoing joke my wife and I had about writing a travelogue called "Whizzing Through America," just because she had to stop frequently to use facilities. Now it is just my excuse to ride my motorcycle. Last summer I RV'd with my parents, largely still to be written, but did have a motorcycle ride before the RV and after as I rode home. Both of those rides involved long days of riding and very little writing as I had arrival deadlines. Since I'm allowing myself a little more time this time, I've decided to visit the places that I've resided, in California, Texas, and Ohio. I'll even include one place in West Virginia, my mother's parents' place as I stayed there for at least three summers as a teenager helping them out.

Since my SPOT automatically renewed, I might as well be getting some use out of it.

This is where I live now, for the last year with my son, daughter-in-law, and for the last six months my granddaughter: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=37.59462,-122.4616&ll=37.59462,-122.4616&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

The previous year and a half, I lived here alone. Believe me, company is better.

We bought the place as a healing place and while it didn't achieve that, it had some good living memories, however much overwhelmed by one of dying. Yes, I lost my wife while we lived here and that is the memory that refuses to die. But that being said, I'll now turn to other memories.

One of the reasons we bought the place was its ready to move in condition. Then we put a hardwood floor down in the Living Room / Dining Room and redid the guest bathroom.

Since the place is actually smaller than the place we moved from, with a slightly larger yard and more of that usable, we had to buy a storage shed. I have over 20 boxes of my reading books in it on top of the books I have on the shelves that Marilyn and I made in a wood working class.

The place came with a zip line. Marilyn went down it a couple of times, most recently Easter of 2007. It was a great celebration complete with a chocolate Easter Bunny topped birthday cake for my oldest daughter and the mandatory chocolate Easter Egg hunt.

While most of the plants have seen better days before being under my care, we had the place looking quite nice for my youngest daughter's wedding thanks to landscaping. (My son and daughter-in-law are doing a much better job than I ever did, now. Although, my son has it in for a few of the bushes and all of the agapanthus.)

One of my daughters' projects was to take my absolutely no maintenance front yard consisting of dead sod and making it a low maintenance planting of ground cover and hardy plants, all but one of which are also deer resistant.

One of my son's major projects, just recently completed, was to filter all of the gravel in the auxiliary parking area and place a better plant retarding ground cloth under the gravel. We moved a few loads of dirt and other debris to the dump.

Coming up next: Fremont. If you think the above memories are few for the number of years I have lived in Pacifica, just think how drastically I will need to reduce/summarize almost 20 years worth of memories.

1 comment:

  1. great pics and great memories! thanks for sharing Doyle!
