Monday, June 15, 2009

Instead of...

Instead of completing my resume, but there is still some day left to work on it, ... Instead of gassing up my motorcycle and my liter of emergency fuel, ... Instead of stowing the filled boxes currently in the living room in the now room available storage shed, ... Instead of making chicken jerky, making lists, washing clothes, and any of the other million and one things I have to do in the next three days:

- I finally dead headed some plants to supposedly help their blossoms continue to come. This is something that I didn't do at all last year. Nor did I water them well or fertilize them at all. Quite frankly, I thought they were annuals. But with a little fertilizer and water this spring, they somewhat came back. They were planted to make the yard look nice for my youngest daughter's wedding and for my Master Gardener wife. She kept them blooming throughout the fall by directing her helper to dead head them, cut off the dead and dying blossoms. If I've done it soon enough and done it in the right place, they should bloom more. Of course, I won't be here to see them.

- I watered the front yard and pulled a few weeds. My son and daughter-in-law filled up the green bin with their weeding earlier. If it hadn't settled, I would not have had room for even the few weeds I pulled. I also trimmed the one kind of ground cover that was overrunning the other kind of ground cover, the one the deer will eat. (Which reminds me that I should start spraying the stink as I saw fresh deer droppings. There is better food available so they haven't been desperate enough to eat my meager plants but they obviously were checking them out.

- I did make a good start on my resume. It's all formated and only has the last 14 1/2 years and a summary to go to be completed.

- I also found the next batch of checks, no small feat that, and signed a couple for my son to use for expected bills that will be coming due while I'm gone to Alaska.

Somehow it seemed like more and more significant in my mind. The most significant thing accomplished was arranging for some cat (and plant) care and I just did that. I'm to drop off the key and money tomorrow.

Rather than use the rest of the day to complete anything or make it more significant, I think I will go to bed early. I slept in until 8:00 AM this morning and doing so tomorrow will make me miss the start of my Grant/Proposal Writing class. While I like getting up without an alarm clock, even when early, I will put a battery in mine and set it to make sure I get up in time tomorrow.

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