Monday, June 1, 2009

The last time I was in Bakersfield

The last time I was in Bakersfield was a little later in June four years ago. Marilyn and I had just watched Sean graduate and were on our way to Sequoia/Kings Canyon. She was having symptoms of her cancer but it wasn't yet diagnosed so she wanted to have some wheatgrass juice. (Ever since her first cancer she made a particular effort to eat healthy and found that wheatgrass juice gave her energy and micronutrients.) I used my Blackberry to find a Jamba Juice and Google Maps to actually get us there.

This trip was just a buzz by but it did remind me of the last time.

I finally met up with my daughter and her husband. I was at the wrong PCT road crossing. So, my walking in about three miles to see them on the trail not only went for naught, but it made me an hour late picking them up at the right road crossing. I was even later because I couldn't see the trail markers from the road in the dark. It all worked out in the end. We got some food from Albertson's, ate it at the hotel after they cleaned up, and they went right to bed, which I'm going to do shortly.

Here are some still pictures I took on my six-mile round trip hike:

I was really impressed with the number of wind turbines as well as the number actually turning.

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