Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog Thinking

Two posts in one day. Well, the first one was a short one.

After coming back from the "wellness presentation" yesterday, I didn't want to change clothes and go back out into the rain to take my trash and recyclables to the curb for the next mornings pick up. Since my trash can is over sized, I felt I could go a couple weeks without too much piling up. After all, I had done it before. Low and behold, I woke up early this morning because my furnace came on. So I got dressed in my exercise clothes and decided to run the trash and recyclables out. I made it just as the recyclable truck was driving by. I hung around in the rain for the bins and brought them up to the house leaving the trash can for the other truck.

After my wild rice was done cooking for the Mango Black Bean Salad that I like, I decided to take a walk. I get out to the curb and there was my trash can with the lid off and the trash still in it. I guess its better than dumping it on the street but if they weren't going to take the trash, why did they remove the lid. I dumped the water out as best I could and moved the now covered trash can back to the house.

Then I proceeded on my multi-purpose walk. Multi-purpose because I had a destination, a shopping errand and wanted to get some aerobic walking in to make up for not walking yesterday. (Aerobic is defined by the Omron Pocket Pedometer to be at least ten minutes of continuous walking with a certain number of steps in a minute.) In a little less than seven miles, I did over 12,000 aerobic steps. I did take a big break in the middle with the buying and reading of a newspaper while drinking my latte. It may be my last latte because I just checked on the number of calories that are in one.

On the walk I found myself making mental observations and working out the wording of how I would write about it, if I were to write about it in a blog. (Thus the title of this blog posting.) Unfortunately, most of those observations and wordings were less than memorable in their own right and made more so by the passage of time from then to now, when I'm actually writing.

The walk actually started in the rain, (Yes, I was that determined to get a walk in today.), but about a third of the way to the Safeway that was my destination it stopped. By the time I was walking back, it was actually partly sunny. The sun didn't mean that the streets gutters were dry or that all the back yard drains weren't still acting like little springs, some even like fountains, and didn't keep my jean cuffs from getting wet, but did lift my spirits. I was all set to walk in the rain and it turned out I didn't have to.

There was one huge pickup truck that had a battery charger doing its thing on the trucks battery. I couldn't help but wonder if the trucks battery was drained because of a lack of use. Gas prices have crept back up to $2.239 for regular and I can't imagine that truck getting all that great of mileage. After the second six months of just sitting, my much smaller truck had to have the battery replaced. It would no longer take a charge.

Well, I'm off to fix my now much reduced dinner and make up for that latte. I'm trying to have five servings each of grain, fruits, and vegetables and two to three servings of legumes all within my ideal weight times ten calories, of which no more than ten percent are to be fat calories and all eating done by 7:00 PM. If I were working, it would be impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that we check on your blog almost every day. May all your days be fullfilling!!!
    Your # 1 followers!
