Sunday, February 15, 2009

I think I may have found my business

Whether this business is only part time or supplementary, remains to be seen but I certainly liked what I heard. It also fits with my undocumented but long thought about business principles. What's more, I can see it helping my sisters and mother. (Maybe they, at least my sisters, would like to go into the business as well?)

Yes, it is MLM. The number of doctors and nurses who were at this meeting was amazing. There were also a seemingly equal number of hairdressers, but that is another story.

The meeting was at the Marines Memorial Club and Hotel. It is an obviously old but very well taken care of hotel with unworn carpets, gilt on the ceilings that appeared bright, old style electric candle chandeliers with no bulbs burned out or cobwebs. It was also near the theatre district and Union Square.

I didn't expect the meeting to be so interesting so when I found myself fighting dozing off on the BART ride in, I decided to get a latte, if I happened to pass a Starbucks. (Passing a Starbucks in San Francisco is a foregone conclusion if you are walking more than a couple of blocks. In the financial district on a weekday if you don't see a Starbucks within a block you don't have your eyes open. Also within that block is likely to be a Peet's and/or a Tully's with about four other eateries that also serve coffee and espresso drinks.) Now, I'm wide awake.

The medical presentation was given by Dr. Shanhong Lu, MD, PHD. She gave the background of why the products work, and why they need to. She also brought a level of understanding to me about Marilyn and some of the difficulties she had, particularly why some of the prescribed medicines didn't work as well as they were supposed to for Marilyn.

Since I'm not going to look up the spelling for any of the medical terms she used, I'm not going to try and repeat her talk from my notes. But one point she made was that pharmaceutical prescriptions are the third leading causes of death in the U.S., with cardiovascular disease number one and all forms of cancer number two. There were a number of people, nurses and hairdressers, who stood up at the end of her presentation and contributed their own testimonial of getting off of medicines, getting out of pain, getting enough rest, and basically being happier.

Dr. Lu also quoted an American Cancer Society 2008 prediction: Now, one out of two men and one out of three women will have cancer in their lifetimes. While a lifetime of eating right will provide some protection, eating right is really very difficult to do. Even on my vegan diet, I have trouble eating all the servings of organic, or at least pesticide free, fruits and vegetables I should and I certainly haven't eaten right all of my lifetime. But I know from Marilyn's experience that cancer comes from three or four generic categories which culminate in a breakdown of the immune system allowing cancer to thrive. (One of the categories is aging, which is accelerated by stress and pollution, two of the other categories.)

There was a 71 year old nurse that stood up and gave a testimonial. She really looked to be in her fifties. Then a 66 year old nurse stood up and talked about her healthy weight loss. There were several 48 year olds testimonials. The products of this company address the immune system's health in a proactive way, which I guess addresses aging as a side effect.

Some of the results testified to occurred rather quickly. I'm going to try the products out when I can join up and see what they do for me.

A couple other notes: What with the raining all day and my failed attempt to fix my leaking kitchen drains, it now looks to be isolated in the garbage disposal, I didn't walk much at all today, including no aerobic steps. I had thought about going out tonight and walking around the neighborhood but I got home rather late and it is raining rather hard. I'm glad I was able to do twice the walking I needed to yesterday.

I was able to forward a text message from my cell phone into Facebook. This means that if I can't get The Spot to send my position directly into Facebook, I will be able to forward the message The Spot sends to my cell phone, that is if I can get The Spot to do that. I tried to get an OK message sent around noon but I was driven back indoors before it was sent or maybe my registration earlier today hadn't taken effect yet. If it ever stops raining long enough, I'll try it again.

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