Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Big Change (in me)

I woke up this morning and realized that somewhat unconsciously during the night I had scratched the small patch of poison oak on my left hand.  I immediately put some Cortaid on the patch and covered it with a band-aid.

In times past, this would have gotten me out of doing dishes and someone else would have stepped in to take my turn.  Even last year, I would have just postponed doing dishes.  But now, with my dishwasher unusable because I have yet to fix the drain and my attempts to keep the number of dishes done within what my larger draining rack will hold, I find that instead of easily figuring out how to avoid work, or at least postponing it, I am figuring out how to get it done anyway.

This is a big change.  The other way came almost automatically for many years.  Now, that there is only me to be disappointed in my progress, or more accurately, to make progress, I have to step up regardless of my readiness and find a way.  For the dishes, the way is really rather simple:  I have a lot of latex disposable gloves that certainly can keep the band-aid dry, as long as I don't bury my arm in water.

Since I had already decided that today was going to be a domestic day, the rain/fog drizzle outside just reinforces the wisdom of my plans.  Finding alternative ways to make my plans work, according to plan, is gravy.  Umm, maybe I can make some Punk Rock Chickpea gravy today.  That stuff is delicious.

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