Saturday, March 21, 2009

Restful night, lazy day

I once told Marilyn that what I missed most about California, particularly the Bay Area, was thunder storms.  Last night all night, when I was awake to hear it, I was lulled back to sleep by the sound of rolling thunder and its accompanying rain.

It started with my listening repeatedly to a couple of guided meditations, one with a background of a babbling brook and the other with the sound of waves crashing onto the shore.  So, finally I went on iTunes and did a query on "nature sounds."  This led to the purchase of four items: a babbling brook, which must have been recorded at night for all of the chirping, croaking, and hooting; a rolling thunder with rain, which was exactly that; the sounds of a crashing surf; and a relaxing rain.

Rather than meditate with my guided meditations, I simply went to bed after Ohio State lost in the second overtime, and listened to my rolling thunder with rain one "song" playlist.  My iPod is set up to repeat a playlist so after a two-second, or so, period of silence, the six minutes of rolling thunder with rain repeated.  I must have listened to at least four or five rounds before I lost count or fell asleep.  I managed to turn the iPod off this morning before the battery was completely drained but after I came out and put together another batch of whole wheat sourdough bread, I went back to bed for another nap.

It was after ten when I finally got up and made my bed, although the latter was due more probably to discourage me from easily getting back into it than my daily aesthetics.  (I try to make my bed every day.  There is something about getting into a bed with sheets pulled straight that helps me sleep.)

Because of my poison oak outbreak and its treatment, I closed my bedroom door to the cats last night.  While this did not necessarily improve my sleeping, it certainly gave me more of the bed to do it in.  What it did do is make both cats a little more clingy today, which is how I ended up taking a nap this afternoon with one of them on my lap.

I do intend to go to bed early tonight, again without the cats.  I wonder how I'll sleep to the sound of relaxing rain all night?

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