Friday, March 27, 2009

The case of the disappearing snake and other

I now know why cat doors are not a good idea.  Humphrey was so proud of himself.  He even brought his find in and laid it in my hall outside my door.  I quickly took a couple pictures and went on to my dental appointment figuring that I would have a disposal job when I got home.

If you looked at this title, you guessed it.  The snake is no where to be found.  I really don't think it was alive so the only thing that could have happened is that one of the cats decided to hide it for later.  Either way, I'm likely to have a dead or dying snake decomposing somewhere in my house.  I can't hope that Humphrey or Napoleon would be so kind as to take it outdoors after Humphrey went to all the effort to bring it in.

My next dental appointment is in August, after I get back from my cross-country motorcycle ride and Alaska RV trek, Roadtrek that is.

I guess I'm going down to Pasadena for a job interview in about 10 days.  It sounds like the kind of job that will fit into my lifestyle very well but I'll write more about it when (and if) it happens.

My Toastmaster speech contest is tomorrow.  I still need to complete its memorization, which may now need to be done tomorrow morning.

I'm now taking Benadryl for my poison oak outbreak.  The tablets appear to be working much better than topical Caladryl.  But then again, the Caladryl is at least eight years old.  I couldn't find an expiration date on the bottle.  There may have been one on the box it came in but that box is at least eight years gone.

I'm liking spring, so far.  It's nice to go out without so many layers that I feel like a penguin.

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