Monday, March 2, 2009

Friends with my ex-wife?

I know a lot of people remain friends after their divorce and while we were never enemies, we had nothing left to keep us in each other's circles and drifted away, probably not even thinking of each other but once in 30+ years. And that was because she finally met someone she did want to spend the rest of her life with and wanted our marriage to be annulled so she could be married in "the church." I, of course, had already found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life at the time.

Circumstances have made it such that I am not spending the rest of my life with Marilyn, except in spirit, but my recent contact with my ex, has made me realize that I wouldn't have traded those 30 years for a life with anyone else.

The recent contact came through something I myself joined not that long ago, from an invite from one of Marilyn's college friends. My ex joined just a few days ago. Even if I had thought to search for her, I wouldn't have known which name to look for and besides, she wasn't a member.

Since I am a member under my own name, all she had to do was search as my name hasn't changed.

So, we are friends on Facebook and I am glad. I'm glad she is happy and still married to the person she wanted to spend her life with. Most of all, I'm glad that I have had the life I've had, which has so far been so much better than any other life I could have imagined, at least for thirty years. Perversely, this has also lifted my spirits in my "third life," because I did have those thirty years and, because of them, I have a lot to look forward to and enjoy in my "third life."

1 comment:

  1. Optimism and looking forward to a third life - sounds like you are doing pretty well. Glad to hear it. You have been through a lot and deserve good things.
