Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A fat lip

Well, the new faucet and disposal are in and the disposal doesn't leak like the last one.  However, I do have a slight leak in the drain piping but that is easily fixable when I want to do it, i.e., find my plumbers putty.

I was glad to have two extra hands at times with one just as I almost put the disposal on.  Thank goodness my attempt to do it myself only had the disposal land on its side on my face, my lip to be exact, which was far better than having it land on its edge anywhere on my face.  (Nose or worse teeth come to mind.)  Now I can run the dishwasher.  The best thing about the disposal is its five-year in place warrantee.

I still have a couple more things to do:  vacuum out under the sink and put a plug in the now extra hole.  (The latter I still have to buy.)  I'm not looking forward working under the sink with all those hoses and pipes but this is what I get for not having everything and doing it the best order.  At least I did the faucet before I installed the new disposal and reinstalled the drains.

Today will be R&R compared to yesterday.  We do plan on a short hike at some point but walking is fun.  Some of the consequences may not be, poison oak, but that doesn't diminish the hiking.  I think a lot of it is just being outdoors.  Except for the hiking, I spend way too much time indoors, even without working.  Once I start that again...

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