Monday, April 20, 2009

Motorcycle Camping

I was glad I had my cell phone with me and was dressed for walking when I just happened to let the door close on me when I went out to turn my motorcycle this morning. It locked. Neither my daughter nor son-in-law was up yet so I went for a walk. While walking, I was able to talk with my parents, youngest sister, and her husband. I closed the conversation when I got back to their house. Since they still weren’t up, I went back out for another round. This time I tried to call one of my sisters-in-law without success. So I “tweeted” my predicament, which also posted to Facebook. One of my “friends” quickly commented: “hahahahahaha.” I have such sympathetic friends.

At my two of my gas stops I “tweeted.” At my son-in-law’s urging, I am now calling my Twitter poetry twoetry and the individual tweet poems twoems. He particularly likes the connection / connotation to it sounding like Elmer Fudd. I created a number of twoems today, some of which I actually tweeted.

In my heated
Gloves not needed,
The air is quite warm enough.

The cool sea breeze
Still didn’t please.
Its strength was its weakness.

I couldn’t see why they just slowed.
Here I am stopped on the road.
Great mileage, if I were moving.

In actual fact, I did get great mileage, 144 miles on the tank without going to my reserve tank.

I’m now camped for the very first time from my motorcycle. (See pictures.) There are a couple things besides toothpaste, floss, and sunscreen I’ve forgotten, a flashlight for one. At least I made it to the campsite before dark and there was a space. I was planning on getting into my tent before dark because there is at least one mosquito in it. Instead, I talked with a fellow motorcyclist who is riding from Arizona to his home in Canada. I picked up some great tips for long distance riding. Anyway, we talked until too dark to find a mosquito. I am using the Macbook screen as my light. At least my last two nights in my daughter’s guest bed has prepared me for my 1.75-inch Thermorest. The Thermorest may even be softer.

The Plasket Creek campground is particularly nice with nice tent areas and paved parking. I also don’t have a metal plate to put under my kickstand for soft dirt/turf parking.

There is no cell phone signal so I shut it off in order to have some juice when I finally get back to irradiation. This means that I couldn’t tweet my last two twoems. Since the moment has passed, they will probably never be “tweeted.” Here they are for your groans:

Two dogs doing it by the side of the road.
Two people watching them as they unload.
Not a pooper scooper in sight.

Who would have thought it?
Going north on 1
Is into the sun.

Keeping the shiny side up.

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