Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tweets I would have made...

Unlike my ride down where I texted a tweet at every little gas stop, I only did one this time. It seemed that whenever I had something to "tweet," my hands were busy and whenever I stopped I wanted to get back on the road. So, I'm home now and have decided to try and recapture those "tweets" I would have made had I been able to and present them here.

"T-shirt, sweatshirt, thin jacket, motorcycle jacket, heated gloves, jeans, chaps, and truly thankful for every layer."

"It's easier going 80+ with the wind than into the wind."

"Wind, rain, gusts, and bugs. The bugs make me particularly thankful for my full face helmut."

"I used my glove's squeegee on my visor with limited success. It didn't touch the water on the inside."

"The chaps protected my legs from the water. The jacket protected my torso and arms. The helmut protected my head. The gloves protected my hands. About the only thing that got wet was my crotch."

"Concentrating animals in feed lots and feeding them also concentrates the scent of their having been fed."

"This was the first trip where the Grapevine hills were some other color than gold. They were actually green."

I had to stop for a while. Napoleon, the cat, was typing more than I was. It's just as well, my memory was running down.

"I had a latte and now have another activity before which I will never ever again drink anything with caffeine in it."

"One bug managed to avoid being splattered on my helmut by ducking inside it."

"I wonder if anyone's neck has been broken by the wind as the lane to one's side was checked prior to changing lanes. Well, I guess if a neck is broken there wouldn't be any intentional lane change."

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