Monday, April 6, 2009

Twitter and Facebook

I joined Facebook because one of Marilyn's friends invited me to do so. Indeed, I have reconnected with a number of people from my past as well as a few of my children's friends. I am using it as it was truly intended, social networking, and as a gateway for more. It was through Facebook that I arranged for one of my youngest daughters friends to check in on her cats while I was away visiting my oldest daughter in Pasadena. (Her birthday is tomorrow, although that was not the only reason I came down.)

I signed up for Twitter through Twitter's Facebook application for the express purpose of being able to update both Twitter and Facebook through Twitter with my Spot OK/Location message. In a test at my house and again in Pasadena, the Spot message did not show up on Twitter or Facebook. I get an error when I try to forward the Spot message that shows up on my cell phone and the cell phone message doesn't have the Google Maps url like the email message does.

I have used Twitter for texting messages to both Twitter and via Twitter to Facebook. Somehow it is easier to send a text message to Twitter than it is to Facebook, primarily because I can type 40404 much faster than select the Facebook url from my contact list on my phone. I have sent a "question" to Twitter to see if they do have a way I can send my Spot message to Twitter and have it associated with my ID, @dewline172. (Now you have my username if you want to "follow" me on Twitter.

I'm meeting my daughter for lunch tomorrow so I need to find out how to get to the restaurant she wants to meet at.

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